Celena Grant Cake Company

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Strawberry Cheese Danish Cake

Oh the danish… a pastry my mother has always loved and one my father has always hated. 

I happen to take after my mother and love them! LOVE them. Specifically, a cheese danish. Even more specifically, a strawberry cheese danish. From… Publix! Not even sorry about that one. 

A few weeks ago, after a particularly rough few days, I picked myself up one of these danishes and was reminded of everything good in the world. Then decided to make it into a cake. 

  • Cream cheese cake layers

  • Fresh strawberry compote with a hint of lemon

  • Cheesecake filling

  • Cream cheese buttercream

It sounds and looks SO simple, but this cake is bursting with flavor. The strawberries this time of year are at their absolute peak, so I doubled up this compote recipe to have some leftover just because it tasted that good. (Why not?)
