Sweet and Creamy Banana Marshmallow Pie Cake

I know I’m probably in the minority with this opinion, but: Little Debbie Banana Marshmallow Pies > Moon Pies. 

Not only are Little Debbie’s more aesthetically pleasing (just look at how dainty they are!), they taste 100x better than a Moon Pie too! 

Where to Buy

This particular Little Debbie is hard to find here in the south - at least where I’m at - so if you want to try some for yourself, make sure you visit some smaller, family-owned grocery stores - they seem to be the ones who carry them! Unfortunately, I couldn’t find any the day I chose to photograph this cake, so Moon Pies had to make an appearance.

Cake Flavors

I wanted to stay true to the original delicacy, so this cake is infused with artificial banana flavoring versus a traditional banana cake that tends to be more like banana bread. 

For the marshmallow element, I chose to use the same marshmallow filling I use in my s’mores cake - it’s packed with toasted marshmallows AND marshmallow fluff to really amp up the marshmallow flavor. 

To let the banana and marshmallow flavors shine through, I covered the cake in a vanilla buttercream tinted in the loveliest pale yellow color from Americolor.

And what’s any southern banana-flavored dessert without some Nilla Wafers? Those bad boys went right on top.

I’m tickled with how this cake turned out! Inspiration is always lurking - be sure to keep your eyes (and nose) peeled!



Pina Colada Cake


Reese’s Take 5 Inspired Cake